Administration Roles

There are several different roles of Administrator, each has different functions:

Note - You can be assigned multiple Administration Roles.
  • Data Controller
    Enables you to control reporting data within your organisation, for example, delete data that is no longer required.

  • Data Protection Officer
    Enables you to create and edit the Data Sharing Agreements for your organisation.

  • Organisation Administrator
    Enables you to create, edit and inactivate user accounts, including allocating licenses and managing notifications, along with Content Management, for example, customising the Home page for your organisation.

  • Organisation Controller
    This is an administrator Super User role, which is only available to specific national organisations to enable management of Providers, Organisations and Practices in their jurisdiction, along with associated User accounts and access to the Audit trail.

Function Data
Data Protection
Organisation Controller
Organisation Setup        
National Providers       ü
Organisations       ü
Organisations - Manage SMS Transactions       ü
Practices       ü
Add User     ü ü
Edit User     ü ü
Licences     ü ü
Logged in Users (Unlock User)     ü ü
Transfer Ownership - Workflow/Guidelines *     ü ü


Notifications     ü  
Content Management - Review Reminder *     ü  
Content Management - Website Content *     ü
Content Management - Website Tracking Code *     ü
Content Management - Workflow Logo *     ü  
Workflow/Guidelines *        
Link Categories     ü  
Manage Workflows/Guidelines     ü  
Styles - Node and Viewer Styles     ü  
Teams     ü  
Workflow Categories     ü  
Service Management *
Manage Data Sharing Agreements   ü    
Reporting Data ü      

* A product license for Service Management/Workflows is required to access this section within Administration.